Everyone looks forward to summer. You get a more relaxed schedule and lots of time to explore all the places you’ve wanted to visit and do all the things you’ve wanted to do since last summer! Although this is an exciting time, handling young energy can be challenging. And you don’t want to keep hearing your child say that he or she is bored.

So how do you contain all that energy? Or, how do you provide opportunities for your child to use up all that energy in a meaningful way? First of all, you need to have a plan. It should be a comprehensive one that will keep them guessing and excited about the next thing they have to do. The following post describes some of the options you could consider:

Summer Guide – Great Ideas For An Awesome Summer With Kids

You wait and dream about summer all year long. You fantasize about laying under a hot sun, walking barefoot in the warm sand and maybe even about a refreshing dip in the ocean.

In your mental picture, you’re having a wonderful day at the beach with your family. Your kids are building a sand castle while you watch from a distance and when they’re finished, they go on to a new exciting activity.

Well, at least that’s the fantasy.

But most often, here’s what really happens:

You’re trying to plan a nice family vacation but one kid thinks it sounds boring and the other one wants to go but at the same time, don’t want to stop watching the iPad. Read more at Awesome Alice…

Bridging the gap between fantasy and reality could mean simply doing your research and releasing your creativity. It doesn’t even have to cost you a fortune to have a great summer with your children!

spanish preschool daycare bilingual childhood education raleigh wake forest cary duraleigh nc

For the days when the heat is extreme, it is wise to plan for some indoor activities. Here are some ways to keep your kids busy while expanding their creativity:

Summer Craft Ideas For Kids: Keep ‘Em Busy!

Summer is coming!  This is both exciting and a bit nerve-racking for parents of young children.  The relaxed summer schedule is amazing (no setting alarms!) but that means that entertaining the kids and keeping their little minds going is all up to YOU.  Luckily it doesn’t take much for kids to exercise their creativity and, best of all, spend some quality time with you!  With some basic supplies and genius ideas, you would be all set to make this a fantastic summer at home with your children.  I’ve rounded up some awesome summer craft ideas for you to do and your kids are going to love them!  Bird feeders, slime recipes, sun catchers and more! Click on the link below each image to take you to the full tutorial and make it so you’re not that mom who is counting down the days until school starts again.  Read more at Landeelu…

Let your children explore their creativity and as a parent always be the first to celebrate their work. This will give them the courage and motivation to do more. You never know what talents are in your little ones.

spanish preschool daycare bilingual childhood education raleigh wake forest cary duraleigh nc

You should also consider a summer camp for your children. Choosing the best one may be a challenge, but it is important to choose the right one. Here’s how to do that:

Choosing a Preschool Summer Camp

If you are looking for some activities away from home to keep your preschooler busy this summer, you might want to consider preschool summer camp. Not limited to sleep-away adventures for bigger kids, summer camps are offered in a variety of age ranges with myriad options including full day, half day, specialty and general. Read more at Very Well Family…

You can make this summer the best one yet. Just be sure to plan well for it. And with a good summer camp, you can expect lots of adventure stories from your children.

spanish preschool daycare bilingual childhood education raleigh wake forest cary duraleigh nc

If you’re looking for a great summer camp for your preschool children, Spanish for fun! is one option you must consider. With a child-friendly environment that is both nurturing and educational, your little one will enjoy activities based around science, cooking lessons, arts and crafts, exploring nature and much more. What’s more, your child will have the opportunity to learn Spanish through play, the primary learning vehicle for kids.

Get in touch with Spanish for fun! today to schedule a tour of any of our four campuses, two are located in Raleigh, one is in Cary and the other is in Wake Forest. Call 919-881-1160 or complete the contact form on our website. We look forward to showing you why your child will thrive with us.