As a parent, you hold the responsibility for disciplining your child. No one can or should do it for you. Navigating the do’s and don’ts of appropriate and instructional discipline can be uncertain. However, just because effective correction requires effort doesn’t mean you should shy away from it. Thoughtful, consistent discipline will make your child a better person and benefit her for a lifetime. And don’t forget: Dealing with a little angst now can save you from facing a great deal more in the future.
The following post explains some important basics for disciplining your toddler:
How to Discipline Toddlers
When and how should you begin to discipline toddlers?
Kids begin knowing what “no” means at around seven months on average, and, once they can speak, many go through a stage where it becomes their favorite word to use. Unfortunately, parents can also count on kids going through a stage where they gleefully ignore when mom or dad says no, and other attempts and discipline. That’s because it is natural for them to start pushing boundaries — testing their independence and trying to explore the world on their own terms.
Why discipline is important
A big part of discipline in the early years is simply keeping kids safe. We don’t touch the oven. We don’t pull on the cat’s tail. We don’t run into the street. But by setting consistent limits early, parents are also laying the groundwork for good behavior in the future. Read more at Child Mind…
As you see, children as young as seven months old can begin to understand simple instructions. The earlier you start to teach them about expectations and consequences, the better it will be for both of you.
Here’s a common question among parents: What do you do when your child is having a tantrum? Should you discipline them on the spot? The following post takes a closer look at these questions and offers some helpful advice:
6 Positive Toddler Discipline Tips That Will Keep Your Home Peaceful
“Which one do you want? The truck pants or the navy pants?” As I stretched my arms out holding the pajama bottoms, my son looked up at me.
His exact response was, “Dump truck pants! Woohoo!”
(I have the same enthusiasm for yoga pants.)
We headed out to the living room with jammies in hand and went through our printable bedtime routine cards. He wanted to get himself dressed, and I was delighted because the more he does independently, the less I need to coach him through the routine.
But, there was a problem.
He was trying to put his shirt on upside down, and of course, trying to shove his arms and whole body through a hole designed for a toddler’s head wasn’t working out so well. Read more at The Military Wife and Mom…
Your child is unique. Learning what works as an effective style of discipline for her will help you offer the most useful and meaningful correction. Also, bear in mind that not all discipline strategies are helpful at all times. Read the following post for some practical suggestions:
Timeout! 7 Ideas to Better Discipline Your Children
I am the youngest of seven children. Watching my siblings raise my 18 (and counting) nieces and nephews, I’ve watched their vastly different parenting styles. They’ve utilized similar and diverse disciplining techniques and some work better than others. As a third-party observer, I realized discipline is not a punishment but a priceless teaching moment.
Teaching those precious little ones requires so much patience but pays off as children gain control of their own lives and implement what they’ve learned. But that outcome only happens if you discipline them the right way.
Here are some ideas to give your child the tools they need to learn good behaviors and make positive choices: Read more at Family Share…
A key concept to take from this article is to always be sure you differentiate your feelings between your child and their offenses. State clearly that you still love your child but are upset with their misdeeds.
At Spanish for fun!, we are committed to providing a daycare environment where discipline is maintained. Moreover, cognitive and social development through play is our primary learning strategy. Our Spanish immersion program also gives children the opportunity to learn a second language while developing respect for cultures apart from their own.
Get in touch with us today to schedule a tour of any of our four campuses. We would love to show you our program, instructors and facility. Call 919-881-1160 or complete the contact form on our website. We look forward to showing you why your child will thrive with us.