When your child is ready to start preschool, you will most likely get the feeling of time moving too quickly. You can still vividly remember the day he or she was born — how could you be at this point already? Despite your doubt, however, it’s time for your child’s first major life change, which means a big adjustment for you, as well.
Many parents assume that their children are the only ones who will be distressed on the first day of school. However, parents typically feel the stress, too — sometimes even more than their kids. It helps to keep in mind that feeling anxious is normal during this transition. The millions of questions and concerns going through your mind are also normal. It might seem difficult to do, but relax; it’s all going to be okay.
To help put you at ease about the changes you are experiencing, here are a few useful suggestions for the first day of preschool from a pair of preschool directors:
“Preschool is becoming so important now,” Hooper said. “It’s so necessary.”
Hooper suggests you discuss with your child what’s going to happen before you drop off.
“Just know for the next 4-6 weeks it’s just getting them used to the routine — and what we do — we just make sure you stick to that routine,” Hooper said.
Part of that routine according Daughtrey is 10-12 hours of sleep and laying out an outfit the night before.
“So that there is no fuss and anticipation of what they are going to wear,” Daughtrey explained. Read more at WSET.com…
The main thing is to give both you and your child time to adjust to the new normal. Don’t expect perfection at first. Just take one step at a time and try to make the process a positive experience in every way you can.
The most important consideration when your child is starting preschool is safety, which begins with taking some vital precautionary measures. The following post offers a few of the crucial steps you should take:
First Time Mom: Preparing Your Mini Me For Preschool
The time has come where your little one will head to preschool for the first time. Like every concerned mother you have no idea how to properly prepare yourself. Many concerns might run through your mind like what if they give him or her something they are allergic to or what if something happens and they can’t reach you. Many what if scenario’s take place in your mind and the first day of school can be dreadful. Well not if you follow this knockout first day jitters guideline below.
Allergy Form
An allergy form is the perfect way to list all of your child’s allergic reactions. This will notify the teacher as well as the director of any allergic things he or she may have. Read more at Everything Girls Love…
Once you’ve covered emergency situations, and have laid the groundwork for the first day with plans for the outfit, a nutritious breakfast and the best route to arrive on time, it’s time to prepare for what may be the hardest part of the entire experience — actually leaving your child at the preschool. The following advice from a preschool teacher will help you prepare for this often stressful — and tear-filled — scene:
From A Preschool Teacher: The Do’s And (Please) Don’ts Of Dropping Off Your Kid
How can parents deal with a child who cries at school or daycare drop-off?
I am a preschool teacher who deals with tearful separation professionally, and I can assure you that, in most cases, the amount of time your child spends in tears is directly proportional to the amount of time you spend lingering. I know it is difficult for parents to leave their child in tears, but if the separation is done right, they won’t remain that way.
So how do you do it right? Here are a few do’s and don’ts to keep in mind. Read more at Scary Mommy…
Breathe in. Breathe out. The first day at preschool is going to turn out fine if you’re entrusting your child to an outstanding pre-k program, such as Spanish for fun!
Spanish for fun! combines the loving care your child needs with Spanish language education, cultural learning and lots of fun. Get in touch with us today to schedule a tour of any of our four campuses. Call 919-881-1160 or complete the form on the website and we’ll contact you. We look forward to showing you why your child will thrive with us.