It’s been repeated to the point of cliche but still rings true: Children grow up so fast. One minute they’re in the crib, the next they’re crawling and before you know it they’re ready for preschool. It can be a challenge when the latter milestone arrives, because it’s the first time many parents relinquish any bit of control over their children’s safety. If you find yourself facing this difficult situation, there are things you can do to gain some peace of mind.
The first thing is to realize that when your child is ready for preschool, they are also ready to learn some important safety guidelines. Teaching them to your child will make both of you feel more confident and prepared. This post will help you get the process started.
Begin with home safety since this is where your child spends most of their time. The following post explains how you can begin your instruction:
Your preschooler and safety: How to prevent injuries at home
Safety begins at home. You probably spent a lot of time and effort making your home safe for your baby. Did you know there are still more things you can do as your child grows older?
Here are some basics to keep in mind:
Be prepared for new skills: Your child’s risk of injury depends, in part, on his physical development and thinking and remembering skills. For example, does he enjoy climbing? Can he pull a chair over to a counter or stove? Can he open the door by himself to go outside or into the bathroom? Think ahead and prepare before a situation becomes dangerous. Read more at Caring For Kids…
The essential tip for safety at home is be proactive and think ahead. You want to anticipate potential threats and eliminate them before they occur.
Another important safety precaution your child needs to understand is how to relate to people they don’t know. The following post gives insight on how to approach this with your youngster:
How do I teach my 3-year-old about strangers?
Q: I have an incredibly social, confident and trusting 3 year and I’m wondering how and when to teach her about strangers and those people who are “bad” in the world? I do not want to scare her or deter her from making friends but I also do not want to have her walk off with someone because she thinks it’s okay. Any suggestions? Read more at Parents…
Sometimes your child may not have the ability to understand why you require them to do or not do certain things. What they need to be taught in these instances is simply that the rules are ironclad and you expect them to be followed.
Once your preschooler starts going to school, they enter a whole new world. This comes with lots of excitement, but it also brings new safety issues to think about. The following post gives a detailed list of things you should consider:
Tips for keeping children safe: A developmental guide – Preschoolers
By the time they are preschool-aged, children are more independent in their play and their ability to meet their own needs. They focus on learning rules and routines to know what is safe and appropriate. Their constant dialogue with peers and caregivers helps them to form specific ideas about what is safe and why.
Preschoolers move and play with ease. Climbing, running, and jumping are still favorite activities, and they are becoming much better at them. Many children also begin to pedal tricycles, play sports, and attempt more difficult climbing equipment. Their stronger motor skills give them the confidence to constantly try new things. During these years, preschoolers challenge themselves and develop a better understanding of the consequences of their actions. This trial-and-error approach complements the structure and rules teachers and families provide. Read more at ECLKC…
One of the best ways to set the foundation for your child’s safety at school is to enroll them in a program that is accredited at the highest standards. If you’re looking for such a daycare in Cary, NC, Spanish for fun! is the facility you seek. The care and safety of your child is paramount to our staff and administration. Plus, the Spanish-immersion curriculum we offer will give your child with the well-documented cognitive benefits of learning a second language.
We specialize in a proven play-based teaching method here at Spanish for fun! that mirrors the way children naturally learn. Schedule a tour of any of our four campuses today to observe our approach firsthand. We know you’ll be impressed by what you see. Call 919-881-1160 or complete the form on our website. We look forward to showing you why your child will thrive with us.