Most parents are willing to go to great lengths to ensure their children grow up happy, healthy and smart. However, many of them don’t know what is actually needed to ensure a child’s holistic development. This post explains what you should know and what you can do today to help your child become a well-adjusted, well-rounded adult in years to come.
Let’s start with the brain and healthy mental development:
What Children Need For Holistic Brain Development
Recent research findings has shown that both hemispheres of the brain communicate through the corpus callosum, working together to perform a wide variety of tasks. Holistic brain development is the activation of the whole brain. Both hemispheres of the brain have to be connected through an array of stimulating and meaningful activities.
This is because the different brain regions are each associated with a particular set of abilities or behaviours which can be connected to different regions at different times in a hierarchical order, enabling the brain to carry out complex behaviours. Therefore, it’s important to use a multitude of purposeful activities to activate different brain regions. Read more at The New Age Parents…
In the same way that several ingredients make a great meal, so also a healthy brain requires input that varies in nature.
Next, let’s look at your child’s physical development. What does it take for your son or daughter to grow healthy and strong? The following post looks into some of the essential requirements:
Physical Child Development Activities for 3- to 5-Year-Olds
Children between the ages of 3 and 5 are typically vivacious and enjoy turning almost everything into a game. This innate playfulness is beneficial, because physical activity helps them develop the motor skills and confidence they’ll need for the rest of their lives. Foster your own child’s physical development by inviting him to participate in developmentally appropriate activities. Read more at Livestrong…
As you see, being active not only impacts the physical well-being of your child; it also affects their self-confidence and general outlook on life.
When it comes to development, the simple things matter a lot, and one of them is music. The following post describes how music can impact your child’s well-being:
Music in Early Years and Holistic Child Development
Now that most of us live in a 21st-century global village it is tempting to imagine such worldwide connectivity is proof we are already masters of communication. But ironically, many of us now live among comparative strangers with our extended families scattered far and wide. Yet, in reality, we are little more than two generations away from a mature society of close-knit, family-oriented communities following a life pattern which had slowly evolved over thousands of years. So, biologically speaking, it’s hardly surprising our children continue to be born hard-wired and ready to reap the benefits of a stable, culturally rich environment. Read more at First Discoverers…
The physical, emotional, cognitive and social needs of your child need to be addressed in a variety of targeted ways from an early age. That is why the daycare you choose to enroll your child in is critical. When the foundation is right, you know your child is off to a great start.
If you are looking for a preschool that will ensure your child develops holistically, Spanish for fun! is here for you. We are a Spanish-immersion daycare and kindergarten with a curriculum that is tailor-made to develop a child in all aspects of life. We use fun as a means of learning through which your child will discover, play and share.
Call us at 919-881-1160 to schedule a tour of any of our four campuses (two in Raleigh, and one each in Cary and Wake Forest) or visit our website for more information. We look forward to showing you why your child will thrive with us.